
Boström´s bakery is situated in Lepplax village in Ostrobothia, between Pietarsaari and Kokkola.

Our fami­ly com­pa­ny foun­ded in 1939 emplo­ys about thir­ty people. We deli­ve­ry our pro­ducts all over Fin­land and one fourth goes on export.

Our wide assort­ment covers swiss rolls, pastries and muf­fins, bisquits and gin­gerbreds, sponge cakes and frozen pro­ducts.

We make a lot of work with pro­duct deve­lop­ment and pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gies to ensu­re we are always on the top regar­ding qua­li­ty and pro­duc­tion capa­si­ty. We have inves­ted a lot in new pro­duc­tion lines and high class pac­ka­ging mac­hi­nes and ‑solu­tions. Thank´s to our invest­ments we have doubled our pro­duc­tion capaci­ty. We pro­duce 5 000 000 delicious Boström pro­ducts eve­ry year!

We are cer­ti­fied by ISO 22000:2005 (food safe­ty) and FSSC 22000. By using qua­li­ty sys­tems and with strong tra­di­tions we ensu­re a well-func­tio­ning com­pa­ny and hig qua­li­ty and safe­ty on our pro­ducts.