Lemon swiss roll

Pro­ducy num­ber: 030
EAN: 6439800005061
Shop unit EAN: 6439801005060
Weight: 360 g
Pcs per box: 10


sugar, lemon fil­ling 25 %, (sugar, water, lemon juice (4,4 %), thic­ke­ning agents (E1442, E440, E401), gluco­se syrup, coco­nut oil, lac­to­se free milk pow­der, fla­vours, emul­si­fiers (E471, E472b), pea pro­tein, pH regu­la­ting agent (E334), pre­ser­va­ti­ve (E202), sta­bi­lizers (E450, E340)), wheat-flour, vege­table fats (coco­nut, palm*), rape­seed oil, water, egg, gluco­se syrup, sta­bi­lizer (E422), salt, pota­to flour, emul­si­fiers (E471, E475), fla­vours, pre­ser­va­ti­ves (E202, E281), rai­sing agents (E450, E500), pH regu­la­ting agent (E330). Lemon fil­ling ori­gin Fin­land. *res­pon­sibly pro­duced and cer­ti­fied palm oil

Nut­ri­tio­nal value / 100 g:

Ener­gy 1459 kJ (348 kcal)
Fat 16 g
satu­ra­ted fat 6,8 g
Car­bo­hy­dra­te 47 g
of which sugars 34 g
Pro­tein 3,1 g
Salt 0,43 g


Sto­re at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re.